By using the conditions of the present time as an excuse and using rukhsah (exceptions) within the Sharî’ah as a cover, books are written in a way that prepares the ground for a version of Wahhabism and Malamisim1. Without extending it to everyone, it is indeed one of the fundamental duties of the Risale-i Nur to preserve the subtle yet important principles like the principle of walâyah, the principle of taqwâ, the principle of ‘azîmah and the principles of Sunnah as-Saniyyah that arose from the haqiqahs of Islam and reached us. These principles should not be abandoned by the pressure of necessities (dharûrah) and the permissions (fatwa) given according to the conditions of the time.




1 (Malâmiyya – Malamatiyya – Malamism: A Sufi path based on not hiding one’s faults while concealing the goodnesses and virtues. Although it was firm and mustaqîm at the beginning, at the last of its three phases, this path lost its istiqâmah by neglecting the Sharî’ah; it deviated from Ahl al-Sunnah wa'l-Jamâ'ah, inclined towards Freemasonry and was seized by it.

In this phase, they followed a method of courting public reproach by neglecting the Sharî’ah laws to be saved from dangers, such as riyâ, fame and the love for rank and position. Some of them even plunged into the swamp of naturalism and dhalâlah.) (Tr.)

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